The Toothless Adventure

Xray - Implants

Xray - Implants
They had to pull out another tooth - Now I got 4 implants


lifestyle (11) Surgery (7) The Road (7) Implants (3) Thanksgiving (3) ER (2) Teeth (2) The Incident (2) apple (1) pizza (1) tom cepa (1)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

ER - Part 2

Sadly this is where it gets painful...

Oral surgeon comes to check me out.. He ask why im holding a towel to my mouth... um well.. blood is still dripping out of my mouth and it F**cking Hurts!

Again, I am asked what happened. He analyzes the damage and tells me that he will try to put the 2 teeth we found, that are sitting in a cup of milk, back in my mouth. Friends did go back to the field to try to find the 3rd tooth but no luck...

He also tells me that I may loose those teeth all together and def wont be able to chew for a while. With the drugs in my system, the adrenalin and fear of it all Im not emotionally stable. When someone tells you that you make loose ur front teeth, its kind of shock to the system and scary as hell!

This is the painful part... they have to numb my mouth, gumbs and lips with local anesthesia! I definitely groaned and screamed in pain, then was asked to calm down and try not to yell... Ya thats easy for them to say... they're not the ones getting a long ass needle to the mouth!

2 hours later I have a mouth full of metal, top and bottom, and stitches on both lips. OH and ya more pain.. which means more pain killers! whoot whoot! Im super swollen at this point, both lips have a bloody scabs on them as well. its also about 3:30 am by now..

I cant really feel my lips or the rest of my mouth, and I am def out of it. I'm light headed, exhausted and a little high. Plus its good that i can go home and sleep for about 4 hrs before I have to be back at the oral surgeon's to get checked on again and go over everything... WTF!

Oh and it takes me about 30 mins to be able to leave the hosp bc I cant stand up with out getting light headed and nausea. Thank goodness for my freind who stayed the at the hospital, was able to pick up my prescriptions and stayed the night with me.

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