The Toothless Adventure

Xray - Implants

Xray - Implants
They had to pull out another tooth - Now I got 4 implants


lifestyle (11) Surgery (7) The Road (7) Implants (3) Thanksgiving (3) ER (2) Teeth (2) The Incident (2) apple (1) pizza (1) tom cepa (1)

Monday, November 16, 2009

ER - Part 1

It was about 10pm by the time we got to the hospital. I've never been to an ER that was so empty, but it worked well for me as I got tons of attention! They were great, except that I think each nurse and doctor asked what happened.. well when im holding a towel over my mouth to stop the blood, its kind of hard to talk!

Eventually I just pointed to my friends to tell the story. I think every several nurses came by to check out mouth, and im sooo glad i dont know what it looked like. Both of my lips were cut open... so it couldn't have been pretty. I got lots of morphine, which is great! wow did I like that stuff, after a few doses of it the pain started to go away!

They checked out my mouth and saw a thin piece of metal sticking out of my bottom teeth. I used to have a bottom retainer, thus it broke and was sticking out, kind of annoying. The doc's and nurses attempted several times to try to cut it but werent having any luck or any tools to cut metal. It was a little scary to have them attempting to cut metal in my mouth with out a metal cutter. What could go wrong? Its not like i had any thing else going on in my mouth! I think they eventually gave up, whooo, and let the oral surgeon take care of it.

The doc then says to me "There may be a problem, I see something blue in ur mouth.." I tell her its prob my tongue ring.. OH! They then discuss how to get my tongue ring out of my mouth. They are figuring out what tools they have to pull my tongue out, hold it and then untwist the piercing. They arent telling me this directly but since only my mouth is fucked up I can still hear them talking 4 feet away. The ideas they were thinking of were not sounding pleasant or fun. Crazy me says to them, do you need me to take out the ring? Since my tongue is the only thing working properly in my mouth, I simply stick out my tounge and twist off the ring. As im dong this the doc is just looking at me in shock, I just blew their minds! Which they told me about 5 times! Crazy Me!

At this point between the shock, adrenalin & morphine my body temp is changing rapidly every few mins from an extreme cold to sweating. After the x-ray I am given hot warm dryer fresh blankets! I looked like a freakin mummy all wrapped up but it felt so good, plus i was feeling all warm inside as well from the morphine. I was really lucky to have friends/teammate sticking around with me to keep my company and just hold my hand through this whole mess.

Now its time for the oral surgeon to work his magic... I hope...

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