Well the other night I went to a Tapas night with about 30 others... I was def a little worried about eating food that is based on little bites. Plus I figured I'd eventually have to chew the food and thus take out my theeth. (as many times as I type or say that it still freaks me out)
So after the mushy potatoes, appetizers and enough bonding between my table I figured I should warn them about my teeth. I had warn them during the happy hour before hand and as I was meeting everyone.
So before the main dish... I said... "I have to tell you all something so your not freaked out... I had an accident playing softball about 3 months ago and I got my front teeth knocked out, so what you see isnt real. and I cant eat with them so... Im gonna take my teeth out shortly!"
They all seemed ok, 1 girl said I was pretty cool and bad ass! The guys didnt say much, I think they were a little freaked out!
But all in all I did it! I ate in public, sitting with 5 people I had never met before that night!
Boooo ya Teeth!
Good work! That's my confident sister! I know it is weird and not easy for you but you are a champ!Love you and know I am proud of you.