The Toothless Adventure

Xray - Implants

Xray - Implants
They had to pull out another tooth - Now I got 4 implants


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Friday, March 5, 2010

Impants - The begining...

Oh lord...
So my mom comes into town to take care of me for the week, we dont know how bad or long recovery will be but its never bad to have extra help, esp when its your mom.

Monday, 3/1, we walk into the doc's office. He goes over whats gonna be done that day... I have also signd a dozen release forms by this point... for things they may do, may not but just in case! well wtf is the point? If i dont sign it then they wont do the work, and am i really gonna walk out of there? So I dont have much a choice, and reading all of it just scares you more.. Who wants to read about all the bad things that could go wrong or in detail what they are gonna be doing.. yikes!

With not a pause, the doc says oh and you have a tooth with a short root so we may just take that out too... WHAT? Woah wait.. what? Ya.. (he starts to tell me) where we want to put one of your implants is a large nerve, the front of the mouth, and we may not have room to put 3 implants and bc the tooth has a short root, it wont last long so we can just take that out now and give you more room for the implants. BUT.. we wont know till we get in there and see.. REALLY?

Hours later I wake up home on my couch.. no idea what happend between all that, thank goodness mommy was there to take care of me! I do know I woke up drooling blood on my fav sweatshirt and pillow, but no worries mommy saved the day..

So ya the 4th tooth came out, 3 was kind of uneven so now its nice that its the front 4.

Now we have pretty new picture!

And no I dont know if I will go off in the metal detectors,

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