The Toothless Adventure

Xray - Implants

Xray - Implants
They had to pull out another tooth - Now I got 4 implants


lifestyle (11) Surgery (7) The Road (7) Implants (3) Thanksgiving (3) ER (2) Teeth (2) The Incident (2) apple (1) pizza (1) tom cepa (1)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stitches and More..

Well at least the stitches are now gone! they were starting to come out as i was easting so that was kind of wierd. I think my mouth looks worse now but its a good thing. 

Im still in pain though on the top and the braces still suck!  At least your body can only feel pain from one place so when the tops not hurting the bottom is, its a nice combo I got going! 

The amount of Rx meds I have is nuts. Percocet - 5mg & 10 mg or Vicoden, depending on the pain level and how functional I need to be. Amoxicillin, Ibprophen and some other meds to counteract the side effects of pain meds. The combo of all of that shit kind of fucks with my system and well my body is all messed up, hot cold every few mins. Dizzyness, lack of appetite and nausea. Life is exciting! 

I'm a combo of a 13yr old with braces, a 80yr old with no teeth and 55yr old with hot/cold flashes. 


  1. and in a few months you will be a beautiful 28 year old with a full set of teeth!

    You are a beautiful 28 year old now - just recovering from a tough accident.

  2. and granny says, "No whining".

  3. you can whine to me are such wimps :-)
